Lilypie Second Birthday tickers

Wednesday, June 23, 2010

On the Move

I've learned so much in the last couple of weeks. I started out by doing some halfhearted sky diving attempts. Soon after, I was rolling onto my belly every chance I got.Mommy brought me with her everywhere she went during the move so I got to snuggle in the big bed while we were surrounded by boxes. It was super fun having Mommy and Daddy all to myself.Once we got to the new house, I got to try out all sorts of new toys. The doorway jumper is fun.I prefer moving on my own though. I've learned to sit (sort of).I'm so proud of myself!It's very interesting to see the world from a different level.I caused my mother some grief during the move (starting with the nursing strike that occurred the week before the move officially began). One day while Mommy unpacked, I hung out with Grandma. She held me the whole day while I either slept or screamed. Fun times. I'm better now (except at bedtime sometimes, like while Mommy is attempting to blog).My teeth are sort of bothering me so Mommy let me suck on some ice. It was a hit.Now I can really push my arms and raise my head high. I'd love to be able to get up and crawl.My new crib is great too. It's so much prettier and more comfortable than the pack 'n play.Hello!Mommy has learned something new in the last couple of weeks too. She thought she was incapable of frying eggs without them turning out badly. It turns out that she just had a bad pan and stove and it's all better now. The simple things in life...The new/old toys just keep on getting pulled out in the new house. It's great!Mommy snuggled me up outside while we waited for Daddy to come home to us on Friday. Serious business.Grandpa spent a bunch of evenings with us and he knows just how I like to be held. Haha!So that's my update. I can roll, sit, laugh, and cause people grief occasionally. Plus, I'm cute.

This would have been a happier blog entry if Mommy hadn't had to listen to me yell at her or Daddy the whole time she was typing. Ugh.


  1. Love the new digs!

    Enjoy your new home!

  2. Glad to see you back, Charlote. You are adorable.

    Aunt Lois
